John Borden, PT, AATci / Physical Therapist

John Borden, PT, AATci
John earned his Bachelors of Science degree in Health Science and Masters degree in Physical Therapy from SUNY Upstate Medical University, College of Health Professions in Syracuse, NY in 1998.
Every person has their own reasons for the road they choose through the journey of life. His was one of necessity. The choice of Physical Therapy as a profession was the best choice for John to be able to look for answers to complicated questions. Chronic pain and/or chronic conditioning turned out to be the order of the day for him after a serious accident at work.
The thought of starting college at 33 was less painful than the pain in his foot. The educational process at the university that he attended rewarded searching for answers that worked, instead of doctrines to be adopted. The area of study that he was selfishly interested in was the root of his personal suffering. It also is one of the least well understood or well-treated blanket diagnoses that exists….chronic pain! This led him to attend as many types of continuing education that he could after graduation.
John was blessed with highly skilled colleagues and mentors in his first years in practice. This was helpful in earning the confidence of a friend who allowed him to create the Chronic Pain Program at HCR home care of Rochester, NY in 2005, which was the first home care-based chronic pain treatment program in the country. He was able to educate and train several therapists in that organization to evaluate and treat chronic pain using varied manual techniques and home exercise programs.
In his continued quest for answers to treat chronic pain, a good friend and valued colleague introduced him to PRRT where he received training to the Advanced Level. Soon there after, his initial instructor in PRRT, Jim Krupar, PT made him aware of Scott Musgrave, MSPT and Ernie Quinlisk, PT who are the founders of Associative Awareness Techniques or AAT. He has since completed all 3 levels of AAT training and he looks forward to now teaching AAT to other Health Care Practitioners this new understanding of how to resolve chronic pain and related conditions.
John currently owns Rochester Physical Therapy Wellness PLLC, a Wellness and Performance affiliate, and he has hired colleagues educated and trained in AAT to practice Physical Therapy in a pain free supportive environment.
He lives in picturesque Fair Haven, New York on Lake Ontario with his wife Kim who teaches Spanish in a local school district.